When you have experienced the difference that your hearing aids can make to your life, it’s only natural that you’re going to want to keep them in the best condition. Whatever kind of hearing aid you have, the key to maintaining ease of use is to ensure you go through the correct maintenance requirements.

Below are three suggestions for regular maintenance that should help to ensure your hearing aids are always working to the best of their abilities, helping to improve your life exponentially as a result.

#1 – Clean your hearing aids every time you take them out

Many of the issues that result in the need for hearing aid repairs boil down to improper cleaning. While taking the time to clean your hearing aids regularly is an acceptable idea, it really is best to get into the habit of cleaning them every time you remove them. This helps to prevent build up of issues such as earwax, which, without proper cleaning, can impact your hearing aids’ ability to function.

To clean your hearing aids, you should use a dry cloth. Microfiber is a great choice, though any cloth that is lint-free will be sufficient. Use the dry cloth to wipe over any part of the hearing aid that comes into contact with your ears. Doing this on a daily basis may seem excessive, but this is definitely a case where prevention is far easier to deal with than the cure, so take this quick extra step to avoid the need for inconvenient repairs.

#2 – Invest in a hearing aid drying jar

A hearing aid drying jar is an essential purchase for anyone who wants to ensure they get the most from their hearing aids. These special jars can help to dry your hearing aids when they have been inadvertently exposed to moisture, making them invaluable if you’re unexpectedly caught in the rain. In fact, using a hearing aid drying jar as a place to store your hearing aids in general is a good idea, whether they are wet or dry.

Hearing aid drying jars are inexpensive, so discuss the issue during your next hearing test and your audiologist should be able to make a recommendation.

#3 – Attend regular cleaning and check ups

Finally, it’s important to ensure you attend your check ups with your audiologist. These check ups are essential for maintaining your auditory health, obtaining hearing aid fittings, and browsing custom ear protection choices, but they’re also a maintenance check up for your existing hearing aids. A professional cleaning can help keep your hearing aids in the best possible condition, as well as help the audiologist to advise you on solving any issues that may be developing.

In conclusion

It’s always worth taking the time to properly maintain and care for your hearing aids, as dealing with breakdowns can be incredibly inconvenient. If you adhere to the steps above, you should be able to maintain the excellent quality of your hearing aids for as long as possible.