Are you familiar with what an audiologist does? Many people make the mistake of thinking audiologists simply treat hearing loss and that’s it! Actually, audiologists are experts when it comes to the auditory system; this means they are knowledgeable and qualified to treat a number of conditions in addition to hearing loss.

So are you curious when you should see an audiologist? Consider scheduling an appointment with an audiologist if you’re coping with any of the following:

Hearing loss

Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions audiologists treat. They will generally collect your medical history, physically examine your ears and then test your hearing. This will allow the audiologist to put together a complete and comprehensive picture of your hearing health, thus enabling them to recommend the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Hearing aids

In addition to diagnosing hearing loss, audiologists can also help you pick out the right hearing aids to treat your condition! With a variety of styles, shapes, sizes and manufacturers available, it’s essential to find the right hearing aid for your particular needs to make sure you get the most out of your devices!

Earwax removal

Are you suffering from frequent earwax impactions? Or maybe this is the first time you’ve dealt with one and it’s already causing hearing loss, pain or dizziness. Either way, the audiologist can carefully examine your ear, determine if there is a blockage and remove it safely. It can be tempting to try and remove earwax impactions yourself, but if you do so you risk puncturing your eardrum, scraping the inside of your ear or pushing it deeper into your canal.


Individuals coping with an annoying ringing, buzzing or whooshing should see an audiologist to have their condition evaluated. This is commonly known as tinnitus and can be the result of exposure to loud noise, earwax impactions, trauma to the ear or medication. The audiologist will take note of your symptoms and can recommend a number of different methods to help you find the relief you need.

Balance disorders

Did you know your auditory system plays an integral role in your ability to balance. When the fluid in your ear shifts, when you have an earwax blockage or when trauma to the head is experienced, it’s possible for you to suffer from dizziness and feeling off-center. The audiologist can evaluate your auditory system and determine if something can be done to fix your balance disorder.