You’ve made it through the hearing exam process. The tests are complete and the results show you would benefit from hearing aids. You’ve met with the audiologist and determined what style is best for you. Perhaps ear mold impressions were taken. Now it’s time to learn what happens at a hearing aid fitting.


There’s nothing to be nervous about during a hearing aid fitting. It’s one of the last steps toward improving your hearing. You will want to set aside an hour or two for this appointment, so make it on a day when you’re not too busy. It’s important that the hearing aids fit well and are comfortable.

The fitting exam

There’s more to a fitting than just determining if the hearing aids properly fit in your ears. It begins with the programming of your hearing aids. Your audiologist may do this prior to your arrival or during your fitting. Next comes a sound test. A thin tube is placed in your ear to measure the impact of loud and soft sounds on your eardrum. Then, while the tube is still in place, the hearing aid is placed in the ear canal. Your audiologist will balance the hearing aid amplification so you can hear loud and soft sounds well. You may find that you need a couple of follow-up visits to get this adjustment just right.

It’s a learning process

You will receive a lot of information during your hearing aid fitting. Your audiologist will discuss how the hearing aids work, how to insert and remove them, how to make adjustments, how to clean them and battery usage. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Brochures and other paperwork will be provided to remind you of the instructions. Some people like to take notes as well. If you are uncertain about something after you’ve left the office, call and ask for help.

It often takes several weeks to become used to wearing hearing aids. You will keep them in for just a few hours the first day and increase the wearing time over the next week or so until you have the hearing aids in all day. During this time it’s important to note any discomfort and tell your audiologist.

What’s happens after the hearing aid fitting?

Your hearing aids fit well, you are happy with the sound, and you’re comfortable with the care instructions. Your follow-up visit went well. Unless there’s a problem, you will see your audiologist for semi-annual or annual visits. Cleaning and other minor repairs may be done at that time. Depending upon your hearing aids, you likely will be by the office regularly to pick up new batteries.

It is a big step to begin wearing hearing aids. However, the fitting process is designed to put you at ease and to give you all the information necessary to become comfortable with hearing aids. Your audiologist is available to answer any questions and to assist you with the best fit possible.